Wednesday 8 July 2020

SRI #MADHWAVIJAYAHA - NAVAMAHA SARGAHA SHLOKAs 26 and 27 (55) ಶ್ರೀ #ಮಧ್ವವಿಜಯ – ನವಮ ಸರ್ಗ 26 ಮತ್ತು 27ನೇ ಶ್ಲೋಕಗಳ ಅರ್ಥವಿವರಣೆ (55)

ಶ್ರೀ #ಮಧ್ವವಿಜಯ ನವಮ ಸರ್ಗ 26 ಮತ್ತು 27ನೇ ಶ್ಲೋಕಗಳ ಅರ್ಥವಿವರಣೆ (55)
Madhwa philosophy is the all-desire fulfilling Kalpavruksha/ಮಧ್ವಶಾಸ್ತ್ರವು ಸಕಲಾಭೀಷ್ಟಪ್ರದ ಕಲ್ಪವೃಕ್ಷ
ಶಾಸ್ತ್ರಕಲ್ಪತರೋರಮುಷ್ಯ ಕಃ ಪ್ರಾಪ್ನುಯಾತ್ ಸಕಲಮಪ್ಯಹೋ ಫಲಮ್|
ಯಸ್ತಮುತ್ತಮಗುಣಂ ವಿಡಂಬಯೇದಿತ್ಯುದೀರ್ಯ ಸ ಜನಾನರಂಜಯತ್||26||
ShAstrakalpatarOramuShya kaha prApnuyAt sakalamapyahO Phalam|
YastamuttamaguNam viDambayEdityudeerya sa janAnaranjayat||26||
अर्चयन् शास्त्रक्ल्पतरॊरमुष्य कः प्राप्नुयात् सकलमप्यहॊ फलं।
यस्तमुइत्तमगुणं विडम्बयॆदित्युदीर्य स जनानरन्जयत्॥२६॥
SUMMARY: Who can ever secure all the benefits of the Kalpavruksha-like philosophy propounded by Sri Madhwacharyaru? Whoever secures all the benefits will certainly be the emperor orking of good attributes or qualities. Professing that the one who secures such virtues will be the Lord of such good qualities, Sri Madhwaru made the people joyous.
There is a view that only Lord Brahma can grasp the complete meaning and secure all the benefits of Madhwa Philosophy as others cannot comprehend it so thoroughly. However, like a coconut tree, which is known as Kalpavruksha for it meets the basic requirements of one or more generations, the Madhwa Shastra or philosophy, if understood, assimilated and followed properly, will fulfill the worldly as well as heavenly desires.
The word “ka” means Lord Brahma. This is similar to a sentence from the Shrutis which reads as: “KashchandasAm yOgamAvEda Dheeraha kO DhiShNyAm prativAcham papAda” (Rig Veda 10/114/9). {“कश्चन्दसां यॊगमावॆद धीरः कॊ धिष्ण्यां प्रतिवाचं पपाद”}
These were the statements of Sri Shobhana Bhatta. With statemens such as these, Sri Shobhana Bhattaru went on spreading the Madhwa philosophy among the masses.
It must be observed here that Sri Shobhana Bhatta was the first person to apprehend and spread the Madhwa philosophy far and wide.
All-revered Acharya Madhwa/ಶ್ರೀ ಮಧ್ವರು ಸರ್ವರಿಂದಲೂ ಪೂಜಿತರು
ನೇದೃಶೈಃ ಕವಿಭಿರೇವ ಕೇವಲಂ ಹಂತ ಪೂಜ್ಯಚರಣೋsಭ್ಯಪೂಜ್ಯತ|
ಶರ್ವಶಕ್ರಗುರುಪೂರ್ವದೈವತೈರಪ್ಯಲಂ ಸುಸಮಯೋದ್ಗಮೋತ್ಸವೇ||27||
NEdrushaihi kaviBhirEva kEvalam hanta pUjyacharaNO(s)BhyapUjyata|
SharvashakragurupUrvadaivatairapyalam susamayOdgamOtsavE||27||
नॆदृशैः कविभिरॆव कॆवलं हन्त पूज्यचरणॊsभ्यपूज्यत।
शर्वशक्रगुरुपूर्वदैवतैरप्यलं सुसमयॊद्गमॊत्सवॆ॥२७॥
SUMMARY: Apart from the most knowledgeable persons like Sri Shobhana Bhatta, gods such as Rudra, Indra and Bruhaspatyacharya, deities also devoutly worshipped Sri Ananda Tirtha Bhagavatpadaru in the spectacular festivities of perfect, proper, pertinent and all-pervasive philosophy propounded by Sri Madhwaru.
It is mentioned in Sri Vayustuti by Sri Trivikrama Panditacharyaru: “KinkarAha ShankarAdyAha”. Lord Rudra, Indra and other deities were aware that Sri Madhwaru was an incarnation of Lord Vayu. They were fully aware that the philosophy and the interpretation of the epics, Shastra and Shrutis by Sri Madhwa was the “ultimate”. Therefore, all the scholars, deities and knowledgeable Rishis, saints, philosophers and others respected Sri Madhwaru.    
Please read, comment and share. SDN 

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