ಶ್ರೀ ವಾದಿರಾಜ ವಿರಚಿತ “#ತೀರ್ಥ #ಪ್ರಬಂಧ”
Sri Badari Kshetra - 2/ಶ್ರೀ ಬದರೀ ಕ್ಷೇತ್ರ - 2
Description of
Sri Badarinarayana/ಶ್ರೀ ಬದರೀನಾರಾಯಣನ ವರ್ಣನೆ
ಧರ್ಮಾದ್ಯೋಜನಿ ಧರ್ಮ ಏವ ಸ ರತಿಂ ದದ್ಯಾತ್ ಸ್ವಯೋಗಶ್ರಿಯಂ
ಯೋಗಾಭ್ಯಾಸರತಃ ಸ್ಮರಾದಿವಿಜಯಂ ಕಂದರ್ಪದರ್ಪಾಪಹಃ|
ಉತ್ತುಂಗಾದ್ರಿಗತಃ ಸದೋಚ್ಚಪದವೀಂ
ಯೋಷಿತ್ಕದಂಬೇಷು ನಃ
ನಾರಾಯಣಃ ಸದ್ಗುಣಾನ್||42||
Dharma yEva sa ratim dadyAt swayOshriyam
smarAdivijayam kandarpadarpApahaha|
sadOchchapadaveem yOShitkadambEShu naha
NArAyaNaha sadguNAn||42||
धर्माद्यॊजनि धर्मः ऎव स रतिं
दद्यात् स्वयॊश्रियं यॊगाभ्यासरतः स्मरादिविजयं कन्दर्पदर्पापहः।
उत्तुन्गाद्रिगतः सदॊच्चपदवीं
यॊषित्कदम्बॆषु नः पुत्रीवन्मतिमुर्वशीजनयिता नारायणः सद्गुणान्॥४२॥
SUMMARY: May DharmaprajEShwara, from whom Sri Narayana
has originated, give us spirituous mind; may that Sri Narayana, who is engaged
in meditation and penance and is performing Yoga, bestow upon us the quality or
the wealth of doing continuous penance or meditation; may this Lord, who crinkled
the pride of Manmatha, empower us to win over the six enemies of Lust (Kama), Anger
(Krodha), Arrogance or ego or pride (Mada), Jealousy (Matsara), Greed (Lobha)
and Attachment or fascination (Moha); may the Lord, who resides at a great height,
grant us a higher plane of Moksha or salvation; may he, who is the originator
(creator) of Urvashi, instill our minds with a feeling to treat all women as
our foster daughters; and may Lord Narayana, who is the embodiment of all
virtues and attributes, provide us with similar knowledge and joy and other
In this stanza, Sri Vadirajaru is
requesting the Lord to provide the mankind with all good qualities, desire to
do meditation, perform penance and to enjoy spiritual life
Earlier, when Narayana, son of
Dharmaja, was doing penance, Indra tried to spoil the penance by sending a few
female Apsaras, along with Manmatha, the Lord of Romance or Love. At that time,
Indra was not aware of the purpose for which Narayana was doing penance. That
is why, he tried to disturb the penance of Narayana. However, Sri Narayana
created several women, who were more beautiful and charming than the Apsaras.
Unaware of what happened to other women, Indra came to check whether the women
sent by him had succeeded in dislodging the penance of Sri Narayana. To make
Indra realize his folly, Sri Narayana created from his beautiful “Ooru”, the
thighs, a charming beauty called Urvashi, where Uru means thigh. Urvashi was so
beautiful that the Apsaras sent by Indra were ashamed of their acclaimed beauty.
Sri Vadirajaru is asking Narayana
to relieve him from lust and other negative qualities because Sri Narayana is
the creator of this universe. Sri Vadirajaru is appealing to Sri Narayana to
make his (Vadiraja’s mind and symbolically, human mind) mind think that even
most beautiful and charming women like Apsaras were his daughters. From
individual, Sri Vadirajaru has sought the evolvement of universality.
ಅಮರೀ ಹಸ್ತದ್ವಂದ್ವಗಚಕ್ರಶಂಖರುಚಿರಂ ವೃತ್ತೋರುಮಧ್ಯಸ್ಫುರತ್
ರಕ್ತೋತ್ತಾನಕರಾರವಿಂದಯುಗಲಂ ಪದ್ಮಾಸನಸ್ಥಂ ಪ್ರಭುಮ್|
ವಿಷ್ವಜ್ಞ್ ನಾರದಮುಖ್ಯಯೋಗಿನಿಕರೈಃಸಂಸೇವ್ಯಮಾನಂ ಸುಧಾ-
ವೀಕ್ಷಾಕ್ಷಾಲಿತಭಕ್ತಕಿಲ್ಬಿಷವಿಷಂ ನಾರಾಯಣಂ ಚಿಂತಯೇ||43||
hastadwandwagachakrashanKharuchiram vruttOrumaDhyasPhurat
padmAsanasTham praBhum|
NAradamuKhyayOginikaraihi samsEvyamAnam suDhA-
NArAyaNam chintayE||43||
अमरी हस्तद्वन्द्वगचक्रशंखरुचिरं
वृत्तॊतुमध्यस्फुरत् रक्तॊत्तानकरारविन्दयुगलं पद्मासनस्थं प्रभुम्।
विष्वझ्ञ् नारदमुख्ययॊगिनिकरैः
संसॆव्यमानं सुधावीक्षाक्षालितभक्तकिल्बिषविषं नारायणं चिंतयॆ॥४॥
SUMMARY: “I meditate the name of
Sri Badareenarayana, who is holding the Holy Disc in his top right hand, the
Sacred Conch in the top left hand; who is in the posture of Padmasana with his
upward-facing feet sparkling with divine radiation between the charming, round
shaped and red thighs. He is the Omnipotent and is surrounded by groups of
deities, Narada and other Yogis. He possess that venom which is made up of the
silt of sins he has cleansed whenever the devotees appeal to him to do so. I
meditate Sri Badareenarayana.”
In this stanza, Sri Vadirajaru
has elaborately described the idol of Sri Badareenarayana, who is surrounded
byNarada, Garuda, Uddhava, Kubera, Ganesha, Lakshmi, NaranArAyaNa, Sreedevi and
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