ಶ್ರೀ ವಾದಿರಾಜ ವಿರಚಿತ “ತೀರ್ಥ ಪ್ರಬಂಧ”
Sage Gauthama graces Kumbhasi/ಕುಂಭಾಸಿಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಗೌತಮರ ಕಾರುಣ್ಯ
ತೀರ್ಥನೇತ್ರಂ ವೇದಸ್ಥಾನಂ ವನಾಯನಮ್|
ಗೌತಮಕ್ಷೇತ್ರಂ ಚಿತ್ರ ತತ್ತನುವದ್ಬಭೌ||48||
GuhamuKham teerThanEtram vEsThAnam vanAyanam|
YatyarThyam GauthamakShEtram Chitra

In the distant past, a severe drought occurred.
Sage Gauthama was moved by the plight of a large number of Rishis living in and
around Kumbhasi. Sage Gauthama, with his mystic and divine power of penance,
invoked Ganga and brought her to Kumbhasi. Sage Gauthama, by bringing Ganga
here, protected the lives of several Rishis. Since then, Kumbhasi came to be
known as Gauthama Kshetra.
There is a cave called Yamaguhe in Kumbhasi. This
has been likened to the face of Sage Gauthama. There are two ponds in this
place. One of them is exclusively meant for Brahmins and the other for Shudras.
Sri Vadirajaru has compared these two ponds to two eyes of Sage Gauthama. As
the body of Sage Gauthama is always a shelter for the study of Vedas, this
place is home for several Brahmins, who have dedicated their life for the study
of Vedas. The physique of Gauthama Rishi is roaming about in the forests. In
Kumbhasi, there is a forest known as Madhuvana. Sages, who come here to take
holy bath during Magha Maas, offer prayers to this holy place. In a nutshell,
this place is as sacred and divine as the body of Sage Gauthama.
The next edition will focus on KoTeeshwara KshEtra.
Please read, comment and share. SDN
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