Friday, 18 January 2019


(In these stanzas, Vasudeva becomes a saint and gets renamed as Poornaprajna. Please read, comment and share. SDN)

KriyAkalApam sakalam sa kAlavidviDhAnamArgENa viDhAya kEvalam|
SadA prasannasya HarEhe prasattayE muhuhu samastanyasanam samaBhyaDhAt||31||

SUMMARY: Vasudeva, who knew the austerities that are to be followed from time to time, was completing them in accordance with the specified and prescribed ethos and began surrendering everything again and again to Lord Hari, who was always pleased with him and had bestowed upon him the choicest grace.

Apart from the routine austerities like Sandhyavandana, puja etc., at the time of getting ordained into sainthood, a person needs to perform some special and exclusive ceremonies like ceremonies performed after death called JeevashrAddha.

In his own work “Pranavakalpa”, Sri Madhwacharya has explained the procedures to be followed at the time of accepting sainthood.

AnantamAtrAndamudAharanti yam trimAtrapUrvam praNavOchchayam buDhAha|
TadA(a)BhavadBhAvichaturmuKhAkrutirjapADhikAree yatirasya sUchitaha||32||

SUMMARY: Vasudeva, who is the prospective Brahma, transformed into an ascetic, secured the authority to meditate the paradigm “Pranavamantra” that the Pandits or Jnanis say to begin the meditation from three Matras and go on till infinite Matras and in multiple ways.

Matra means letters and therefore three matras means three letters.
The paradigm “Omkara” appears to be a single syllable from outside. If one ponders over it a little, it can be understood that it consists of three letters A, U and Ma. On further analyses, it can be realised that it consists of five more letters corresponding to base note called Nada, dot or Bindu, promulgation or GhOsha, calmness or Shanta and serenity or Atishanta. Thus it becomes a word of eight letters. For persons of higher spiritual strata, it contains more letters.
According to Scriptures, only Yatis or saints, who have got ordained into sainthood as per the prescribed norms, are authorised to do meditation of the paradigm. All are not permitted to meditate the paradigm of the three-letter form. Rujus like Sri Vadirajaru can meditate the paradigm in multiple forms of infinite syllables that have infinite meaning. Sri Madhwacharya will be the next Brahma. Brahma is a portfolio, according to Scriptures.   

GuNAnurUpOnnati pUrNabODha ityamuShya nAma dwijavrundavanditam|
UdAharadBhUriyashA hi kEvalam na matravarNaha sa cha mantravarNakaha||33||

SUMMARY: Vasudeva was named by the assemblage of Brahmins as Poornaprajna, a synonym of “comprehensive spiritual knowledge”, which was reiterated and conferred upon by Achyutapreksha, a popular Guru, who was known for teaching the Mantras.

Poornaprajna, the name that Sri Achyutapreksha conferred on Vasudeva at the time of ordaining him into sainthood, was a sacred name that finds mention in BalitthA Sukta in Rig Veda as: Dashapramatim janayanta yOShaNaha where Dash means complete, Pramatim means knowledgable and therefore Dashapramitm means completely knowledgable, which is beyond the worldly, verbatim explanation.  

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