Saturday 2 December 2023

This is Sundarakanda in Sri Valmeeki Ramayana translated by me. Entire Sundara Kanda will be posted from now on. Sri Rama starts lamenting again after seeing the lily and lotus-laden Pampasarovar and its en- chanting environs. Immediately after seeing the enthralling scenic beauty of Pampasarovar and its surroundings, the psyche and physique of Rama get sensuously charged. Caught in the grip of the mystic power of Manmatha1, the lord of romance and love, Sri Rama tells Lakshmana: ―Lakshmana, with the entire water surface of serene rays glowing like diamond, covered with pink, red, blue and white lilies and lotus flowers, surrounded by dense forest of captivating charm, this Pampasarovar is really looking very attractive. Look at the forest that has covered the lake. Brother, the trees in this forest are very tall and each of them looks like a mountain because of their large, long and sprawling branches. Alas! This spring season has started arousing my hidden passions, even as I am already suffering from the separation of Bharata and the abduction of Vaidehi2. Lakshmana, This Pampasarovar, which issurrounded by bewildering, dark and deep forestand sparkling like a precious stone, is fascinating even me, notwithstanding the fact that I am already distress-stricken. This lake is covered by a variety of entrancing flowers. Filled with cool water, it is sanctifying. A host of lotus flowers has occupied its entire surface. This lake is really looking very attractive. Indeed this Pampa woods is dense with serpents and venomous creatures and it has shel- tered a large number of animals and birds. A variety of trees wearing colorful, gleaming and fra- grant flowers can be seen everywhere in this forest. The blue and green meadows that dot the forest region, are making it look like an artistically embroidered woolen blanket. The tips of trees appear to be swinging due to the weight of flowers. Creepers with young buds and blossoming flowers have embraced all parts of all trees that have also borne flowers of inexplicable charm. Lakshmana, a pleasant breeze is also blowing slowly. Trees are full of flowers and fruits. This fragrant spring season is intensifying the onslaught of Manmatha, the lord of love and pas- sion, on the psyche. Lakshmana, you can perceive the enthralling beauty of this forest with all trees sprinkling flowers that appear like dark clouds bursting out. A variety of trees that have grown be- tween the gorgeous rocks and swinging owing to the continuously blowing winds are covering the sparse plain lands with their fragrant flowers. Look at the bewildering scenic beauty here as it looks as though lord of wind is playing gleefully with some flowers that have already fallen, some still falling and others that adore the trees. Brother, the lord of air is briskly shaking all the branches of trees with his great speed and power. As a result, the bees that were sucking the nectar from flowers on treetops and branches are fluttering out with anxiety and producing a hissing sound. It looks as though lord of air is also singing along with the honeybees. The air blowing out of the caves in the midst of this mountain range has made it look like he is also singing melodiously like a born mu- sician, along with the wind that is whistling. A comprehensive look at this seen will make us fell that Lord Wind is directing the dancing peacocks along with the trees that producing enchanting music. The air is blowing vigorously from all the four directions and trembling the trees. As a result, the branches of trees have intertwined with one another and appear like a garland of trees. Like the sandal paste, the pleasantly smelling air, which can eradicate all fatigue and replace it with de- light and mirth by its mere touch, is blowing slowly in this region, filled with enchanting odor. In the forests that are filled with deliciously scented air, the briskly swinging trees appear as if they are also producing enthralling sound with bees and beetles. The tips of various mountains are spar- kling because of the flowers that the giant trees are wearing.

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