(A few interesting facts about the babyhood days of Sri Madhwacharyaru have been explained in these Shlokas. Please read, comment and share. SDN)
PAtum payAmsi shishavE kila gOpradO(a)smai pUrvAlayam swasutasUnutayA prajAtaha|
NirvANahEtumalaBhiShTaparAtmavidyAm dAnam Dhruvam Phalati pAtraguNAnukUlyAt||30||
SUMMARY: Poorvalaya, who donated a cow to help feed milk to Vasudeva and born as the son for his son, acquired Adhyatma knowledge that would secure him the salvation, progressed well with his own act. Is it not true that the fruits of charity depend on the character of the person to whom it has been done?
AtrastamEva satatam paripullachakShuhu kAntyA viDambitavEndu jagatyanarGhyam|
Tatputraratnamupagruhya kadAchidAptaha swaswAminE buDha upAyanamArpayat saha||31||
SUMMARY: Once, Madhyageha took his gem-like son, who was untiring, had fully blossomed eyes and radiant that was reminiscent of full moon, to Udupi and submitted unto the feet of his Lord Anantasana.
Sri Narayanacharyaru has clearly indicated here that it is customary to submit anything, including a child, that the Lord has bestowed upon, back to him. By surrendering his son to the Lord, Madhyageha has set an example for all devotees of Lord Hari to emulate.
NatvAharim rajatapeeThapurAlayam tam bAlasya sampadamanApadamarThayitwA|
SAkam sutEna parivArajanAvitO(a)sau prAyAnnisheeThasamayE nijamEna DhAma||32||
SUMMARY: Madhyageha saluted Sri Anantasana, who had manifested himself in Rajatapeethapura or Udupi and appealed to the Lord to bestow upon his son infinite wealth. Along with his family members and the son, he returned to his home at Pajaka in the midnight.