Wednesday 14 February 2024

DuShkarama krutavAnkarma twamidam vAnarOttama| Nipatya mama shrungEShu vishramaswa yathAsuKham||111|| ―Oh great ape-man, you have done a marvelous work. Alighting on my tower, take rest for a few moments and then continue your journey. RAGhavasya kulE jAtairudadhihi parivardhitaha| Sa twAm RAmahitE yuktam pratyarchayati sAgaraha||112|| King of Seas has progressed only by the grace of those born in the family of Raghava. Raghavas are responsible for his very existence. For this reason, the King of Seas, who is ever-focused on the welfare of Srirama, wants to honor you. KrutE cha pratikartavyamESha dharmaha sanAtanaha| SO(a)yam tatprateekArArthee twattaha sammAnamarhati||113|| Reciprocating the help rendered by someone with a return help or service is a tradition of yore. There- fore, the King of Seas now wants to repay in this manner the debt of gratitude he owes to the de- scendants of Raghu‘s dynasty for the help they had rendered him in the past. By agreeing to be his guest, please oblige and honor him. He fully deserves to be respected by you. Because of you, as a token of appreciation and reverence, the King of Seas told me: YOjanAnAm shatam chApi kapirESha KhamAplutaha| Tava sAnuShu vishrAntam shESham prakramatAmiti||114|| Kapeeshwara, who is flying, is capable of covering even a hundred yojanas in one jump. However, let him take rest for a while on your border area and then complete the rest of the distance. ‘ Oh Harishreshtha, I also appeal to you. Please stop here. Take rest for a little while and then continue your journey. These aromatic fruits and roots are very delicious. Eat them all, relax for a few mo- ments and then you can continue your journey. Chief of ape-men, you have imbibed all good traits and that is why you are very well known across the three worlds. Moreover, you are also relative to us. I think that you the foremost among ape-men who can fly at a very fast clip. Atithihi kila pUjArhaha prAkrutO(a)pi vijAnatA| Dharmam jijnAsamAnEna kim punaryAdrushO bhavAn||118|| One who has analysed, assimilated and explored the secrets of Dharma or culture contained in sa- cred scriptures will be aware that a guest, even if he happens to be an ordinary man, always deserves to be worshipped. Such being the case, what else can be said about a guest of your status? You are the sibling of the distinguished super god Vayu. You are equal to him in speed too. PUjitE twayi dharmajnE pUjAm prApnOti MArutaha| TasmAttwam pUjaneeyO mE shruNu chApyatra kAraNam||120|| Worshipping you, the embodiment of virtues and spirituality, is equal to worshipping Lord Vayu. All the honor and service rendered to you will be directly accepted by Lord Vayu. Therefore, for me, you are the most distinguished guest to be honored and worshipped. I have great respect for your fa- ther too. Please listen to me to know the reason. Earlier, during Krutayuga, mountains too had wings. They were capable of flying to all directions at the same speed as golden eagles. Whenever the mountains were flying freely in the sky, the gods, goddesses, ascetics and all the animaldom feared that the mountain may fall on them, any time. Even Lord Indra was irked by seeing the mountain flying. He cut the wings of hundreds of moun- tains, wherever they were, with his Vajrayudha. Enraged Indra came very close to me too with his Vajrayudha, intent on cutting my wings. At that very moment, your great father Lord Vayu car- ried me with his power and dumped me into the sea. Thus, by putting me in the sea, your father not only saved me but also my wings. Oh chief of ape-men, Maruthi, I am indebted to you because of the great service rendered to me by your most virtuous father. That is why, I want to felicitate you. You are as revered to me as your fa ther. Oh wisest, as I told you earlier, Raghavas are responsible for the origin and existence of oceans. Similarly, your father is responsible for my being intact with the wings. Thus, we are both grateful to you. Therefore, kindly oblige us both by allowing us to repay the debt of gratitude with pleasure. It is only appropriate on your part to accept our felicitation. Vayuputra, get down here, take a little rest, and accept whatever little we may offer you as our guest. I am already moved and delighted by seeing you. Please honor the affection that I owe to you. Super ape-man Hanumantha suitably replied to Mainaka after hearing his plea: PreetO(a)smi krutamAtithyam manyurEShO(a)paneeyatAm| TwaThatE kAryakAlO mE AhashchApyativartatE| PratijnA cha mayA datA na sthAtavyamihAntarE||130|| ―Oh Mainaka, I am fully satisfied with your words alone. You have as good as served me as a guest by your sweet averment. Please drive away any feeling that despite pleading in so different man- ners14, I did not accept your felicitation. The schedule of work is hurrying me. The daytime is run- ning away too. I have also pledged not to halt anywhere. Super ape-man, victorious and unrelenting Hanumantha, thus caressed Mainaka and convinced him suitably, and flew to the sky with a smile. Both king of seas and the Mount Mainaka were looking at Maruthi with pride and appreciation at that time. They wished him well in an appropriate manner. Later, Maruthi left the Mountain and the Sea flew to a very long distance, vertically, into the space, and continued his journey in his wonted areal route. Continuing to rise, looking still at Mount Mainaka regularly, he was flying at a very high altitude, freely like the golden eagle, in his cus- tomary sky-route.

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