Thursday 18 January 2024

SUNDARAKANDA (continuation)

The seawater that was springing like fountains because of the indomitable speed of Hanumantha was mingling with the dark clouds and turning into white clusters of clouds of the Sharadrutu ow- ing to the vapors of that seawater. Like the organs of a man are exposed after removing the clothes covering them, the seawater that was springing out due to the force of Hanumantha‘s pace, exposed the whales, crocodiles, fish and tortoises that were hiding in its womb. Looking at fast-flying Kapishardula, the tiger among ape-men, the fish being thrown out by his force, mistook him to be their enemy, the golden eagle. DashayOjanavisteerNA trimshadyOjanamAyatA| ChAyA VAnarasihmasya jalE chArutarAbhavat||76|| When Vayuputra was flying at such a great pace, his ten-yojana broad and 30-yojana long shadow was attractive, beautiful and charming11. The shadow that was following him upon the surface of the salt sea appeared like lines of brightened white sky. The portion of sea on which super ape-man Hanumantha flew across was looking like a boat special ly prepared for him to travel. As he was using the same track as the birds that were flying in the sky, Hanumantha too was fly- ing like the golden eagle. He was pushing the clouds in the same manner as the wind. The clusters of clouds that were being pushed and driven by Hanumantha were glowing with white, oil red, black, light yellow and different colors. As Hanumantha was barging into the cloud clusters for some time and coming out of it at times, he was appearing like the moon entering and coming out of the clouds. After seeing Hanumantha flying swiftly in the sky, the goddesses, Gandharwas and other celestial beings showered flowers on him.

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